Ghana Elects
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Our Community Guidelines

As an open platform, anyone can use this application no matter who they are, where they live, and what they believe. This is why you will see an extremely wide range of topics, as they’ve all been created by people in the community and administrators.Our role is to make sure the platform is a powerful vehicle for discussions while remaining as safe as possible for our users. That is why we’ve put together these Community Guidelines which outline the rules for using


Mobilise your friends, family, and community to raise awareness. Use the tools on the platform to show your cause to others through social media.

Be open to disagreement and listen to other people’s opinions. Actions happens when people with different backgrounds and perspectives can participate in a conversation.

Update your supporters with developments. Keep them posted on the highs and lows of your campaign and suggest ways they can take further action online and offline to stay involved. Your supporters are on a journey to victory with you, so take them along for the ride.


No hate speech - We’re fans of free speech, but we don’t allow hate speech. Hate speech is typically the advocacy of beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people based on characteristics such as their age, color, disability, ethnic origin, gender identity, nationality, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, medical condition, or veteran status.

No violence - Ideas are powerful and can be forceful and peaceful catalysts for action. We don’t allow content that directly incites, glorifies, or encourages violence against anyone.

Don’t impersonate others - is designed to share the stories of real people, supporting real issues. Don’t impersonate people, including public figures or organisations.

Don’t violate others’ privacy - Most content on is public, so respect the privacy of anyone else you mention. Don’t post private information, like private email addresses, identification documents, credit card numbers, home addresses, private telephone numbers, or photographs of people in private settings posted without their consent.

Don’t bully - You can be influential and respectful at the same time. When working to persuade decision makers and other users, focus on people’s actions rather than their personal characteristics. While we expect debate and disagreement, we don’t tolerate abuse, stalking, threats, trolling, or any form of bullying.

Don’t spam - is for issues of public interest. It’s OK to have a commercial interest in your petition’s success, but you shouldn’t use the platform to directly sell products, send bulk, unsolicited communications, or for any other spam-like behaviour.

Don’t break the law - You can use to raise awareness about issues you want to address, but this isn’t a platform for illegal activity. Make sure that your use of doesn’t violate applicable national law, including laws protecting the rights of other people. For example, make sure you have evidence for claims you make, as we may have to remove content that is established to be defamatory.

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