Ghana Elects
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How it works
Online Polling

Users can view or take part in weekly polling that matches public opinion to current socio-economic trends. This is to provide insightful information about mainstream attitudes and values on the upcoming Ghanaian General Elections. The polling survey is refreshed periodically (e.g. weekly) and users can take fresh one time (see checks and mechanism) poll each time. You can also view polling trends and performance of each party/candidate over time.

Checks and Mechanism

Several checks and balances have been implemented within the online application to improve the accuracy of the survey and polls.

Nationality – The platform is available worldwide but polling is restricted to only Ghanaian Nationals online. 

Anonymity – To allow for free speech, user’s identity is not associated with polls or questions asked on the platform. 

Age – Users below the age of 18 can have access to information provided by the websites and mobile applications but are not allowed to take polls and are not surveyed. They can however take part and contribute in constructive public discussions 

One-time poll each time – Users are polled once in each poll. The application automatically prevents users from polling multiple times in the same poll. 

Life-time of account – Facebook accounts that are created for the purpose of taking part in polls are also barred. These accounts usually are created within a short period. Suspicious accounts opened for the purpose of disrupting the accuracy of the polls would be blocked as well. 

Multiple device – The polls are based on users Facebook profiles using their unique Facebook profile ID regardless of the device they may be on.


The polling is not representative of a general electoral poll or an indication of the performance of the parties contesting in future general elections. It represents the opinion of a sample group periodically surveyed online and on Facebook against current public opinion. Polls are therefore held periodically (e.g. on a weekly basis) to gauge public opinion at each point in time and represents opinion trends through-out a given duration (e.g. pre general election period).This is purposely to set the tone for a fair and educated public discussion on what matters the most e.g. Education, Health, Technology etc.

Ask a Candidate

Similar to sending customer service, the platform allows users to ask questions to specific candidates of political parties. Questions are grouped by regions and topical issues such as Education, Sports, Health, Finance, Women and Children, etcThis is an opportunity to speak directly to the source, a way to get individual voices heard in the drowning online noise. Individuals can post direct questions and suggestions to a candidate/political party.

Polling Results and Analysis

The application probes deeper to provide useful information about how polls change over time or at least how opinions are influenced over time. The polls contain periodic Virtual Polling results that represent a snapshot of the people’s opinion at a particular time and in particular circumstances.


Ghana Elects also set the tone for public discussions and opinion by providing a unique, nonpartisan platform for every Ghanaian for a fair engagement. Opinion polls and electronic communications, which until recently were recipient-specific, are gradually becoming discussion forums where anyone can speak out. It has never been easier for people to observe government at work, and to actively participate in discussions.

Live Internet Feed (What The Internet Is Saying)

We believe every citizen has the right to information and that information should be available timely, unbiased and not politicized. People can only exercise their civil right to vote when they are properly informed!The platform gives every user live feed of online public opinion from every angle on the internet to better inform them. This is a one stop shop for all information regarding the Ghanaian online scene on Public Policies, Health, Education etc.